Find new customers with social media marketing

Get highly qualified leads and improve conversion on Facebook, Instagram, Google & LinkedIn. If you're ready to work with a results driven agency, let's talk.

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Does your business need a strategy to reach the 72% of Australians on Social Media?

The average Australian spends over 17 minutes per day on social media. If you're not focused on reaching your ideal customers on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or LinkedIn, your competitors have the advantage. In 2020, no business can afford to ignore social media as part of their marketing strategy.

Bright Labs is an accredited Facebook and Google Marketing Partner, offering paid media strategies, content creation and community management. We aim for authentic and personal conversations, that engage your target audience.

Contact us today to talk about your current social media strategy and what you can do to increase customer leads and online sales.

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Our successes

What they say

With the help of the digital marketing team at Bright Labs, ICCONS are growing the online side of our business in this interconnected world. Not only does the team have a wealth of digital marketing knowledge they look to create the best outcomes for clients.

The Bright Labs team cut out the jargon and helped simplify the whole process of building our website, from start to finish. They are friendly, professional and clear in their approach. A pleasure to work with.

Avg client tenure
7 yrs
Revenue created
For clients (FY 21-22)
Industry awards
15 yrs
Established in 2004

Let's Talk About Winning Social Media Strategies



Webby Awards
The Communicator Awards